The Oasis

The oasis thrives within us, friend. Filled with possibility, hungry hearts come here to rest, seek comfort and be inspired.

Remember When?

Remember When?

Remember a time, not so long ago, when you were younger and prettier then too? Before you were born? Before you came to this Earth? Before your ancestors could precede you? Before this venue took place at all? Before you conceived of spirit as taking form?

Back then you were really restless, looking for adventure, hoping to find a calling in all the action that was available to you. You created this purpose, set it in motion and followed its every curve. We cast a spell on you then, to help you remember the grand design. You forgot nearly every time you came to Earth to play out your roles.

This time you will remember. This time you will know your purposes are upon you and you chose this one for your growth. That’s the way it is now, fully alive and alert, no more guessing. No more trusting other people’s words, not even ours. Just yours!

Yes, yours, throbbing inside your domain. Know that truth! Know that purpose! Know that a Nation is waiting to be born, past you, past all the daylight hours and into the brightest day. A purpose noble and sublime. Yours, His all of Ours together. We, together, in this adventure called Life.

Let’s live it to the fullest, shall we? As we remember our origins. Let’s live NOW!

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